“Learning to Study” project to be implemented in Castanheira public school for validation of new teacher-training resources | Labedu

“Learning to Study” project to be implemented in Castanheira public school for validation of new teacher-training resources

14 de September de 2017

This August, researcher Angélica Sepúlveda will conduct a study on the use of Laboratório de Educação’s “Learning to Study” educational materials.

After the three-month implementation carried out in the second half of 2016, more comprehensive formative resources were added to our teacher-training materials. These include:

. Flowcharts to help teachers make decisions based on the characteristics of the History texts at hand and content learning objectives.

. Sample lesson plans that are “unpacked” to demonstrate the intentional use of the proposed interventions.

For the next two months, we will observe one 4th grade teacher from a municipal public school in Mato Grosso as she utilizes “Learning to Study” with her 26 students. We hope to validate the extent to which the new contents help teachers utilize the rest of the materials with more autonomy.
