Ana Teberosky: Educação Infantil | Early Childhood Education

Ana Teberosky, Professor of Psychology at the University of Barcelona, leads discussions on the opportunities to improve preschool education in Brazil

24 de September de 2014

Ana Teberosky, Psychology Professor at the University of Barcelona, was invited by Laboratório de Educação to participate in a series of project development meetings with the rest of our São Paulo-based team. Teberosky’s visit served to assess the progress of our ongoing projects, and consider possibilities for improvement.

As a way to contribute to the debate on early childhood education in Brazil, Laboratório de Educação established a partnership with the Project for Reading and Writing in Preschool Education, led by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Teberosky met with researchers from various public and private universities that are currently developing a set of common guidelines for professionals working in early childhood education. Moreover, on September 8 and 9, Teberosky gave an open lecture to 650 people in the Center for Literacy, Reading and Writing at UFMG.

Laboratório de Educação hosted its first seminar with Teberosky on September 16, exploring the importance of language learning in early childhood education. Watch the full video here.

Finally, Teberosky’s work was featured in several newspapers and specialized media outlets. Click below to read more:

- Jornal O Estado de S. Paulo

- Jornal TV Futura

- Cadernos Cenpec

- Centro de Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita - CEALE

