Thank you | Labedu

Thank you

Thank you for your donation!

We are deeply grateful for your support. First of all, because with your donation, you are helping promote a culture of giving in our country — and that is extremely important to build a healthier and more equitable society.

Moreover, we are grateful because your contribution will ultimately strengthen the nonprofit sector in Brazil, so that public service organizations can achieve more technical autonomy to advance their cause.

Finally, we want to tank you for contributing to the institutional consolidation of Laboratório de Educação! We have several ongoing projects that seek to impact learning inside and outside the classroom, by empowering teachers and parents in a systemic and democratic manner.

You will receive updates on our work and everything that your donation enables us to do. We believe that you will feel proud to be a part of our work and see the impact of your contribution.

Laboratório de Educação