Beatriz Cardoso no Seminário International de Educação Integral (SIEI)

Beatriz Cardoso to speak at International Seminar on Early Childhood Education

27 de junho de 2015

On July 22-23, the SM Foundation will host its first international seminar in Brazil, titled “Early Childhood Education: Spaces, Practices and Materials”. After 8 years in Mexico, SM will bring together various stakeholders from around the world to discuss the challenges facing Basic Education in Latin America and beyond, as well as different approaches to improve teaching and learning for every children and youth.

Beatriz Cardoso, our Executive Director, will join Yolanda Reyes from the Colectivo Espantapájaros in a roundtable focused on how to introduce literary readings in early childhood to promote language acquisition and development.

Click here to find out more about the event.
