Laboratório de Educação participates in IV International Conference on Writing Research Across Borders | Labedu

Laboratório de Educação participates in IV International Conference on Writing Research Across Borders

22 de March de 2017

Last February, members of Laboratório de Educação's team – Paula Stella, Andrea Guida, Beatriz Cardoso, Angélica Sepúlveda, and Nicole Paulet – participated in the IV International Conference on Writing Research Across Borders (WRAB), which took place at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá.

Dr. Ana Teberosky, our partner from the University of Barcelona and author of "Learning Language" and "Espaço de Leitura", led the roundtable discussion on teaching and learning materials designed to promote continuity in children's early language development and literacy learning. In addition to the digital platforms, our coordinators presented the "Learning to Study" and "Learning Language" professional development projects.

Prior editions of the Conference have gathered researchers and practitioners in California, Virginia and Paris. This year, plenaries featured renowned scholars such as Anne-Marie Chartier, Perry Klein and Mirta Castedo.
