Angélica Sepúlveda joins literacy discussions at Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) | Labedu

Angélica Sepúlveda joins literacy discussions at Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT)

23 de November de 2018

On October 18-19, Laboratório de Educação's Angélica Sepúlveda was a guest lecturer at UFMT's "Pedagogy Week", which engaged undergraduate and graduate students, professors, and district administrators from the region's surroundings in a discussion around the professional development needs of literacy teachers.

Sepúlveda gave a talk connecting the National Common Curricular Base to the role child-directed speech in early reading and writing processes. She also offered a short course titled "Literate Practices to Teach Written Language in ECE and Early Elementary Years".
