This school helps homeless children break the cycle of poverty
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This school helps homeless children break the cycle of poverty

Photo: Reproduction/Positive Tomorrows
April 23, 2019

The educational model was designed in Oklahoma City, in the midwest of the United States.

Since 1989, the schoolPositive Tomorrows(Positive Tomorrows, in free translation) promotes the specific proposal of receiving children living on the streets, that is, without access to housing, clothing and means of transport.

Since the children sleep in a different place each day, a school bus picks them up wherever they are, and they simply need to call in the location. At school, they can alsoenjoy personal hygiene products, clothing and footwearto get dressed and move around comfortably.Free, nutritious meals are also provided for their bodies to develop andhunger does not stop them from learning.

The whole family participates

Working with the families of these children is one of the foundations of the project., a fundamental issue for strengthening a structure of security, support and stability. To this end, families first receive help from programs to invest in shelter, clothing and food. Then, they are supported in developing skills that will allow them to seek employment and continue this process. Maintaining a relationship with parents and bringing them closer to the school, inviting them to participate in activities, meetings and community decisions ends up not only valuing their presence but also keeping them active in their social relationships. In addition, it provides learning that ends up functioning asbridges that connect themto new places that arouse curiosity.

Initially maintained through partnerships with NGOs and the public sector, today the school is supported by donations from companies and individuals.

Unequal obstacles for street children

It is estimated that more than 150 million people around the world are homeless and around 1.6 billion live in precarious situations. The aim of Positive Tomorrows school has always been to offer young people in vulnerable situations a good educational experience,“removing the barriers” that their social conditions impose on them dailyand seeking to promote access to opportunities through a conscious educational format.


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