Learning from 7 Fundamental Experiences | Labedu

Learning from 7 Key Experiences

The situations children experience, especially from 0 to 6 years old, make a big difference to the development of their bodies, thoughts and emotions. Therefore, the first years of life need to be made the most of .

At this stage, many hours of children's daily lives take place outside of school, when they are with their family or caregivers. They spend at least 50 hours a week outside of school. Therefore, it is essential to create good conditions for them to learn, grow and develop in these situations as well.

See Experiences

We list 7 fundamental experiences that need to be part of children's lives!

Speak and be heard

From the first gestures, looks and babbling, children learn to express their ideas and feelings. By participating in frequent conversations, they have opportunities to develop opinions and express doubts, in addition to building emotional bonds with their caregivers.

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To play

Play is an activity that plays a fundamental role in children's development, as it allows them to experience different characters, reach agreements to organize games and activities, make decisions, explore different materials, using them for different purposes, make connections with rules already assimilated and learn about cooperation.

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When children interact with others from an early age, they learn to live together and share. Being among peers allows them to exchange ideas and opinions, create solutions to conflicts, play and explore their surroundings together, learning from each other.

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Count and compare

Mathematics is present in everyday life. Children learn to think about it when they have the opportunity to organize small collections and count, play with shapes, paths and numbers. When they are invited by an adult to observe and explore numbers and shapes in different situations, they are encouraged to answer questions and delve deeper into curiosities.

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Listen to the reading of texts

By learning about and interacting with different texts (such as stories, poems, news), children expand their knowledge of spoken and written language. In addition, reading enriches the imagination, contributes to emotional development and promotes contact with the world of knowledge.

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Explore and question

Exploring and playing in public spaces, especially those that encourage contact with nature, allows children to observe, ask questions and investigate different aspects of the world they live in. In this way, in addition to understanding it, they can learn to care for it and transform it.

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Experience and appreciate different forms of art

By producing and appreciating art, children learn to express themselves and think about the world using different senses and forms of expression. Drawing, singing, cutting, modeling and coming into contact with works of art favor the development of different aspects, such as language, motor coordination, sensitivity and the appreciation of culture.

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Why 7 experiences?

Considering the importance of adults' involvement in the learning processes experienced during childhood, the Ministry of Education (MEC) published a document in 2010 in which it defines a set of learning and development rights for young children. Although it is aimed primarily at early childhood education institutions, the same list of rights also remains valid outside the school environment.

From this, we identified 7 essential experiences to be lived throughout childhood, all equally important. When adults give these opportunities to happen in children's lives, they contribute to different learning processes and to the development of children, ensuring their basic rights.